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Anal Cunt

46 fans
Also known as AxCx, A.C.

Country: USA
Label: Wicked Sick Records
Links: Myspace

Formed in: 1988
Disbanded in: 2011



1988-1996  Tim Morse - drums
› 2008-2011  -//-
1988-2011  Seth Putnam - vocals, guitars
1996-2003  Josh Martin - guitars
› 2006-2011  -//-
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1990-1993  Fred Ordonez - guitars
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1996  Joseph Scott Hull - guitars

Latest reviews

I have to admit that I have a soft spot for Anal Cunt records - there is definitely something appealing about how ridiculously over the top and stupid they are. I'd even go as far as saying that the idiot savant that he is, Seth Putnam has managed...
Review by jupitreas ››
Well, here we are, after a 7 year long hiatus caused by Seth Putnam's drug-induced coma, we are finally given the opportunity to subject ourselves to some more of the sonic torture that is Anal Cunt. "110 Song CD" is the new EP from this...
Review by jupitreas ››

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